Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Dr. Albert Hoffman and an unknown woman who is given LSD. A 'normal housewife". This the most beautful vid. At 5:24 he asks her to describe and she says: "I wish I could talk in technicolor." a chill went up my spine. I swear my hair stood up. Is this not what the 60's were, finally. Someone said to you "Wanna take a trip?" Unknown, maybe. Complete trust as a fellow. And off you went for better or worse. That was then. We were charmed for sure. I can look back and say that I did one thing that was enormous, that was beyond, that was MY life...She says at 3:48: "Can you see it?" Indeed. Did you see it? Looking back now, coming up on 70 years old, coming up to the end of my life....I can say...yes there was one thing.........and we did it......again and over again......we did it. "Can you see it?" Indeed. I am so proud to say yes...I took LSD....over and over again....purple powder and almonds and sugar cubes and panes or once in cranberry sause at a thanksgiving potluck farmhouse rural kansas cold november day turned into desert camp with living rugs of breathing designs and ravi shanker coming down the hall and around the corner music infused with throat tightening breath of hash scent as someone sat down next to you and said: "Are you okay?"

Maybe I am ready to go...then again it is a quiet winter afternoon. Memories abound.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

RE: Todays readin

I finally found a blog today that wasn't self centered and that blog defined the phrase 'dancing in the asiles' perfectly.  Is that all there is..........

RE: This is important

I can see the Wesboro Baptist Church from my front porch.

RE: Just wondering

What would it be like to be the last man standing

RE: Howling

"I've seen the best minds of my generation and they are dead."  I said that.