Tuesday, May 3, 2011

RE: "Haute memoire"

In the last few weeks I heard Joe Harrington, Rachael Blau DuPlessis and C D Wright (good poets all )reading what they referred to as some kind of 'memorie' stuff using archival materials including photos, newspapers etc.  Like an updated Paterson...sorta.   So what the hell....I'm in.

                                                            CRACKER AND SON

following a spot of cat fishing and remember happy days along the rivers of western Illinois......all white is a nice touch and bloodstains added for just the right tension....truth be told he was a violent raciest fuck.  of course my expression may well be 'dont fuck with him or he will beat you down'...truth be told.

r.a. mccrary b.2/5/1901 raville, la
j.o. mccrary b.9/10/1941 geneva, il


  1. Jim- I fret that you probably don't have my updated address, perhaps that package will be sent back to you.

    I currently live at 2947 E. Burnside
    Portland, OR 97214

    did you send chapbooks there? I hope you're well-
    Suzie too!

    I may have mentioned that I spied po doom on Nico's coffeetable and thought it was a beaut. I must nab one. Yet.

  2. Do Cracker and Son have a great theme song and a rusted pickemup truck?
