Tuesday, May 19, 2009

RE: Knock me down

Jennifer Bartlett talking about her Larry Eigner recently here:


I can't stop thinking about this....how unattached (unaware) (narrow minded) I was, maybe, back in the day when I saw, listened, talked with etc. Larry in Berkeley and SF. Much irony (or just time past) that for 9 years now I have worked, almost daily, with persons with CP and I dont think I ever knew what Larrys problem was!!! He was in a wheelchair and was hard to understand vocally. Since then I read and reread the dozen Eigner books on shelf and postcards/letters from him when I was doing a 'zine in 90's. Almost on a weekly basis I pick them up and read. The influence is tremendous. I love it from him.

Then Jennifer talks about the CP..I am stunned at how much now I know or maybe don't know but comfortable to it...whew.....

Maybe, but not yet, thinking a change in the reading. I doubt it though. Just a thought.

I knew he was confined and therefore only 'saw' 'wrote' what he 'saw'. I am sure of that. But that I recognized. Not that I was confined physically but certainly, for me, a relief, to narrow the focus that mentally I had to deal with. I restricted myself to make it easier for me. No wonder if that influence came true or not.

Rereading this seems really jagged and thoughtless however I am gonna post anyway. These words not enough yet.

I am going to write more.

Thanks, Jennifer.

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